
Easy Conveyors

With more than 25 years of experience in the field of intralogistics, Easy Conveyors has developed a modular system for the construction of belt conveyors, articulated chains, rollers, elevators and diverters in order to offer a complete solution for transport and distribution of products in the company. Using modular engineering and specializing in the sectors of storage, logistics, integration, OEM’s and handling companies.

What are conveyors?

The roller or belt conveyors are devices that facilitate the transfer and handling of a large diversity of objects, such as they can be pallets, boxes, packages, etc. Depending on the content that’s being transported, the use of one system or the other will be appropriate. For light or medium weight materials, the use of conveyor belts is recommended. On the other hand, if you want to move boxes, the roller conveyors will be the best choice.


Quality with innovative solutions

We believe in the delivery of precision products, our commitment is assuring quality in all of our products and services. At Easy Conveyors we work hard to understand your needs and requirements, this understanding ensures our commitment to R & D in the search for technological advantages that allow your business to maintain a competitive advantage while offering value to the client and maximum flexibility in the logistics of material handling. Nowadays, the dynamic environment requires that companies are constantly involved with new technologies and customer requirements. With this philosophy, Easy Conveyors Modules and Components, is designed and manufactured to maximize the investment of your business and optimize the unlimited potential it has.

Providing a predesigned modular conveyor is a competitive advantage and allows you to reconfigure it. Reduces your design efforts, which guarantees savings in engineering cost and project time.

Strategic partners

The Easy Conveyors available worldwide through a network of distributors, partners have technological resources and experience to provide complete systems and integration solutions. The products are distributed from department stores in Europe, America. Australia and Asia, the commitment is that we own inventory to ensure efficiency in the dispatch of our orders.

Calidad con soluciones innovadoras

Creemos en la entrega de productos de precisión, nuestro compromiso es la calidad de nuestros productos y servicios. En Easy Conveyors hacemos que nuestro negocio sea entender sus necesidades y requisitos, este entendimiento asegura nuestro compromiso con el I+D en la búsqueda de ventajas tecnológicas que permitan a su negocio mantener una ventaja competitiva al tiempo que ofrecer valor al cliente y máxima flexibilidad en la logística de manejo de materiales. Hoy en día, el entorno dinámico requiere que las empresas estén constantemente involucradas con las nuevas tecnologías y los requisitos del cliente. Con esta filosofía, Easy Conveyors Modules and Components, está diseñado y fabricado para maximizar la inversión de su negocio y optimizar el potencial ilimitado del mismo.

Proporcionar un transportador modular prediseñado es una ventaja competitiva y permite reconfigurarlo. Reduce sus esfuerzos en diseño, lo que garantiza un ahorro en el coste de ingeniería y tiempo de proyecto.

Eficiencia Empresarial

Todas las empresas dependen de sus resultados, eficiencia y costes totales finales, el retorno de la inversión es una prioridad para Easy Conveyors y es constantemente revisado y elevado el punto de referencia para unificar requisitos y presupuestos del sector de la industria. Proporcionar un transportador modular prediseñado es una ventaja competitiva y permite reconfigurarlo fácilmente para una futura línea transportadora. Reduce sus esfuerzos en diseño, lo que garantiza un ahorro en el coste de ingeniería y tiempo de proyecto.

Socios Estratégicos

Los transportadores de Easy Conveyors están disponible por todo el mundo a través de una red de distribuidores, nuestros socios tienen recursos tecnológicos y experiencia para proveer sistemas completos y soluciones en integración. Los productos se distribuyen desde grandes almacenes en Europa, América. Australia y Asia, nuestro compromiso es poseer inventario para asegurar la eficiencia en el envío de nuestros pedidos.


ERS system

Roller Conveyors

They are used to transport a wide variety of products. The modular system improves the design of the conveyor, and facilitates installation and commissioning. Each section of the system is modular, so future extensions or changes are easily adapted.

ERS 70 system

Belt conveyors on rollers

For horizontal transport and to facilitate the level changes of the materials being transported. The belt conveyor is used for the transport of unitary loads that are not suitable for roller tracks and for all types of unit loads in case of inclinations and level changes.

EBS system

Conveyor belts

We offer a wide range of conveyor belts that adapt perfectly to light, medium and high load jobs. All structures are made of anodized aluminum.

ETS system

Cardan chain conveyors

The cardan chain conveyors are made of a multiflex plastic, which works on sliders and offers the possibility of combining straight, horizontal and vertical sections. We offer six different types of chain conveyors.


EMBS system

Modular Band

It is a flexible system, with an optimal quality-price ratio, designed for the transport of all types of materials: cardboard, plastics, etc. It can be purchased by parts, modules or as a complete system.

EMCS system

Straight modular belt

It’s a flexible system, with an optimal quality-price ratio, designed for the transport of all types of materials: cardboard, plastics, etc. It can be purchased by components, modules or as a complete system.

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